Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training [CTEVT] has published CTEVT Diploma and Pre-Diploma level classified scholarship 2077 date extended notice.
CTEVT has previously published a notice on 26th Bhadra and 30th Bhadra for CTEVT Diploma and Pre-diploma level classified scholarship. The deadline of the scholarship form was 19th of Ashoj, but many students were unable to fill up the scholarship form as they were unable to collect the required documents for scholarship form in the meantime.
As many of the students were unable to fill up the scholarship form, they requested the council for the extension of the scholarship form submission date. And, finally, the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training has extended the date for CTEVT Diploma and Pre-Diploma level classified scholarship entrance form submission.
Now, the date for classified scholarship form of CTEVT Diploma and Pre-Diploma level is extended up to 29th of Ashoj. Students can fill up the scholarship form online until 11:59 PM, 29th of Ashoj. If you haven’t filled up the scholarship form yet and don’t know how to fill-up the form, then you can head towards the following article.
How to Fill up CTEVT Entrance Exam Form 2077 online | Documents Required for CTEVT Classified Scholarship Entrance Exam Form
How to fill up CTEVT Pre-diploma Entrance Form 2077 Online | Documents Required
If you want to know about the selection process of CTEVT classified scholarship program, then you can have a look at the following article.
CTEVT Classified Scholarship Entrance Selection Process 2077
If you want the check the official notice for CTEVT Diploma and Pre-Diploma Level Classified Scholarship 2077 Date extension, I have attached the notice below.
CTEVT Diploma and Pre-Diploma Level Classified Scholarship 2077 Date Extended