Sudurpaschim Diploma/PCL Level Full Paying Entrance Result 2077 has been published by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training [CTEVT].
As per the notice published by CTEVT for CTEVT Diploma/PCL level full paying entrance 2077 on 2077/05/26 and 2077/06/15, the result of Sudurpaschim province Diploma/PCL level full paying entrance 2077 has been previously published on 2077/07/05.
And, these are the remaining results of Sudurpaschim province CTEVT Diploma/PCL level full paying entrance 2077. All the results are published according to the CTEVT Diploma/PCL Admission Nirdeshika 2074 [III Amendement].
And, all the admission procedures need to be done as per the Diploma/PCL level Admission Nirdeshika 2074 [III Amendement]. The concerned colleges need to verify the original documents of the students while taking admissions.
Thus, if you are a student, then you need to take the original documents with yourself while going for your admission. You also need to take your entrance admit card with you and a copy of your result.
You can check the official notice below.
Sudurpaschim Diploma/PCL Level Full Paying Entrance Result 2077 Official Notice
Sudurpaschim Diploma/PCL Level Full Paying Entrance Result 2077
The results of the following programs have been published. And the results can be downloaded from the given links.
If you want to check previously published results of Sudurpaschim province Diploma/PCL level full paying entrance 2077, then you can check the article below.
CTEVT Diploma/PCL Level Full Paying Entrance Result 2077 of Sudurpaschim [Previously Published]
As the attached files are compressed and available in.ZIP format, you need to extract these files to check your result.
You can extract these files using WinRAR either you are on a laptop or computer or a mobile phone. If you don’t have one, you can download it from the internet.
You can follow the tutorial below to extract your file using WinRAR on your mobile phone.