Bagmati Province Loksewa Result
Bagmati Province Public Service Service Commission i.e. LokSewa Aayog has published the First paper written exam result of advertisement no. 233-239 / 077-78 (Open and Inclusive) Administrative Service, General Administration/Accounting/Auditing Group, Officer Level 6th Level, Officer 6th Post, First Phase.
Bagmati Province General Administration Auditor 6th Level First Paper Written Exam Result
Bagmati Province General Administration Auditor 6th Level First Paper Written Exam Result has been published by the Public Service Commission. This information has been published for the information of all the candidates who have been selected for the second phase of the examination with the following roll number and surname in the order of roll number among the candidates. The result is attached below.
Nitesh’s Blog wants to congratulate all the candidates who got their name on the result of the first paper.